Thank you for signing up for the Hipopressivos Online training !!!

How to access Hypopressives Online training?

El primer paso es la inscripción en el curso, si ya lo has realizado los pasos siguientes son estos:

The first step is to enroll in the course, if you have already done it, the following steps are these:

  • You must have received an email with a password, you can access from the form that is in the same course, go to the CAMPUS in the web menu entering the course you have registered for and access from the form with the keys, it is You may already be inside the first time when making the card payment.
  • In the course of the CAMPUS you will see that in the same access form there is a link to recover the password in case you do not remember it, if this is the case, be patient that sometimes it takes a while to send an email with the steps to follow to get it back.
  • It is advisable that you change the password that you can also do from the same place.

IMPORTANT: We have left a single email so that you can easily contact us in case of doubts